Rodić Davidson Architects

A new home for Cabaret Mechanical Theatre


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In 2019 Rodic Davidson hosted a window exhibition of automata called a “A day at the Architects” by Paul Spooner. The exhibition was curated by Sarah Alexander of Cabaret Mechanical Theatre (CMT). CMT was started by Sarah’s mum, Sue Jackson in 1979 in Falmouth. Sue moved CMT to London in 1984 and set up home in the basement vaults of Covent Garden market where it stayed for glorious 15 years. CMT has operated nomadically since 2000 by curating touring exhibitions and inspiring people of all generations with workshop and events.

In recent years Sarah, Lisa and Max have been looking for a permanent home for CMT and the exciting news is that they have found one!

Their proposed new home is Rock House in Hastings Commons.

Watch Sarah and Lisa’s You Tube video here

CMT has a target of £20,000 to raise via Crowdfunder. You can donate here:


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