Rodić Davidson Architects

Work progresses on Country House


Wimbledon HouseListed Country House 04Wimbledon HouseListed Country House in SurreyWimbledon HouseWimbledon HouseListed Country HouseListed Country HouseListed Country House

Listed Building Architects Rodic Davidson has secured planning and listed building consents for extension and refurbishment of a listed country house in Surrey. Our designs reference and reinterpret some of the dominant forms of the Domestic Revival style of the original house.

Domestic Revival (sometimes known as ‘Arts and Crafts’) and Queen Anne styles were both influential in the development of middle-class suburban estates in the 1880s and 1890s. Domestic Revival houses moved away from historicist and ecclesiastical styles towards more accessible coziness and homeliness. The architecture incorporated steeply pitched tiled roofs, dormers, timber framing, tall, dominant chimneys and tile-hung walls.

Watercolour by Jan Gordon, 1918


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